Avraham dug wells. The Plistim covered them over. Then, a generation later, Yitzchak uncovered his father’s old wells and additionally dug a new well.
Given that a well is a symbol of a spiritual wellspring, they were not just digging for irrigation but uncovering new spiritual pathways.
One would think that a latter generation should be content with just uncovering and maintaining the old sources of spirituality. But they must not. While maintaining the core tradition of the past, they nevertheless also need to uncover new and relevant pathways that are not known to their fathers.
The Kotzker says; “Yitzchak needed to dig a new well and follow a new path (to that of his father).”[1]
This is typical of the Kotzker’s belief in individualism and spiritual independence.
[1] Amud HaEmet p. 24, par. 4
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