Nay sayers always bring a very negative and unhelpful energy to whatever situation it is that they want to oppose.
But sometimes even perpetual
objectors and cynics may appear to be truthful and appropriately forewarning.
The Kotzker Rebbe, however,
takes a different view and says: “Even
if an objector is justified and suggests in the name of Truth, that something
should not be created, developed or constructed – know that he is not representing
In Kotzker philosophy, the battle is to always find a way for real Truth to be compatible with the positive energy of creation and progress.
In Kotzker philosophy, the battle is to always find a way for real Truth to be compatible with the positive energy of creation and progress.
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[1] Amud HaEmet p. 12, par.4. This teaching was said in connection with the
Medrash on Genesis describing how the aspect of 'Truth' opposed the creation
of the world, and was then 'cast to the ground'.
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