Monday, 4 January 2016

14) Under The Banner Of Faith:

“And (Jacob) took from whatever came into his hand (and gave it as) a gift to Esau his brother.”[1]

Some people seem to think that it is a virtue to simply accept whatever they are told to believe, without the information passing through some form of intellectual filter. 

There is often a huge amount of pressure placed on the individual to be seen to conform to everything that gets presented under a ‘higher person’s’ definition of belief.

The Kotzker Rebbe said; “If someone takes from whatever comes into his hand (i.e. from whatever he has been led to believe), without first thinking whether this will be beneficial or not - then even if he thinks he is doing a mitzvah, he is instead offering a gift to Esau (who represents) the side of evil.”[2]

Not everything presented under the banner of belief is belief.

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[1] Ber. 32, 14.
[2] Amud HaEmet p.28 par. 2.

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